What I'm Reading


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Leaving . . . on a Jet Plane

I have a decent sized headache. I blame the children. I had three tonight. Did I say I wanted more babies? I thought so. My friend Karen had a job interview this evening, so I watched Owen (nearly 5) and Emma (nearly 4) for a couple of hours. Woo, am I tired. And tomorrow we leave for Daytona, Quinn and I. I think we are just about packed, carry-ons and suitcases, except for the last-minute stuff, like toothpaste and toothbrush and sippy cup and dragon lovey. I guess we're ready! Now I should probably practice my deep breathing and mental relaxation so I don't freak out around my mom. Any available prayers for calm would be appreciated!
Quinn got his hair cut today. He was looking pretty shaggy. I thought after the first cut, we would switch to someplace that doesn't charge an arm and a leg and feed my child animal crackers throughout the visit. But thanks to some bad experiences with Great Clips, we're sticking with what works. Most of those bad experiences are my husband's. But since his coworkers actually teased him yesterday about a cut, and since twice GC has refused to charge him for his haircut, I back down on this one. I'm not the one with two "crowns" after all. They are. Hey, at least he got a yellow bouncy ball! Woo hoo!
So the prayer vigil is still on for Stellan. I'm constantly updated MckMama's Twitter page (but don't assume that means I have the slightest idea what Twitter actually is) since she doesn't have much access to her blog. I ask you all (all four of you!) to pray for Stellan and his family. They have a lot of peace about what God is doing, even while they pray for another miracle, but more prayers are welcome and needed. Now, I need to get going and finish my last edit for the week. I probably only have three more commercial breaks before Private Practice is over and I have to wake the sleeping chainsaw and send us both to bed. Hmm, maybe I can fit in some dessert. I think I saw ice cream in the freezer! By the way, I won't be back online to update until probably Monday since I'm leaving the laptop at home. Love, Us.

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