What I'm Reading


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Think We're Paci Free

I was just looking back at my blog and realized that it has been two weeks since Quinn had a pacifier at night. And that means it has probably been about 10 days with no paci at all!! Holy moly! I can't believe it was just that easy. Now don't get me wrong. These past few days, when he wakes up from a nap, he cries hysterically for another 20 minutes or so, and I want to shove a paci in his mouth so bad I can taste it. But I didn't. I comfort him, I distract him, I set him up like a king on the couch with his blanket and a Veggie Tales movie. No paci. Part of the process that has made it easier I think is that we haven't been going out much. Not out to eat, which is our biggest challenge with the paci, and not out to shop much. I can handle him losing it and showing his butt on the playground or at Karen's house. But I hate when he pitches a fit in a restaurant. I think we're saving money, too. I mean, theoretically, if you eat at home and don't go out to eat, you save money, right? Well, yes, if you don't buy Oreo Cakesters, Klondike bars, Karamel Sutra B&J ice cream, and cheese danish. I would be so embarrassed to admit that those things are in my house right now--IF I HAD BOUGHT THEM! I neither purchased nor asked for any of these items. But I'm not doing the grocery shopping anymore. In one sense, that makes me very happy. But who stays home all day and has to give in to, I mean resist, the temptation to snack on these very items? Not Jalal. Me. (I guess I really didn't need to spell that out for you, did I?)

So Sarah and Maureen are going with us tomorrow to Mother Goose on the Loose, and then we're going to have a picnic lunch if the weather stays nice. I can't wait! Well, I didn't have any work to do today until almost 5:00, so I have to make up for lost time. I did, however, apply for two jobs today off Craigslist. Let's see how it goes. Good night. Love, Us.

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