What I'm Reading


Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Okay, one of my favorite blogs is My Charming Kids, written by a woman who calls herself "MckMama." She is hysterical and such a great role model. (You can link to her blog at the top of my blog.) She does Not Me! Mondays every week where she discusses all the things that she would NEVER do because it would be so wrong. I decided to jump on the bandwagon, as have dozens and dozens of other people, and post my own. Here we go!

I did not go through all the elaborate technical steps to link my post to MckMama's blog just in the desperate hopes of winning one of her awesome giveaway prizes. I would never neglect my own work just to mess around online. Not me!

I did not just put Quinn down for a second nap today, even though he could probably have made it a few more hours, just to get some quiet time for myself. Even if I had done that, I would never try to convince myself that I just wanted Quinn to be well-rested for his evening with Daddy. Not me!

I did not repeatedly let Quinn run around with his onesies and rompers unbottoned around the crotch so it would be quicker to get him to the potty, if and when I decided to take him. I would never let me adorable boy run around looking like he was wearing a dress. Not me!

I did not eat an entire box of Girl Scout cookies last week in a single sitting within an hour of buying them outside of Walmart. Even if I had, I would certainly not make sure the box was hidden underneath other trash and neglect to tell my husband that "a few" boxes started as four. Not me!

My husband and I most certainly did not try to teach Quinn to gesture "Kiss my butt" this week. We do a lot of crazy things with him, but that is just wrong, and we would never do that. Imagine what people would think! Not me!

So, those are just a few of the things I absolutely did NOT do this week. If I had done these things, I would plan to start watching that new show "In the Motherhood" next week to help feel better about myself. Love, Us.

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

1 comment:

trishandwade said...

Perfect!!! That was hilarious.