What I'm Reading


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring Fever

Now I'm generally a cold weather person. I love bundling up in front of a fire and feeling the brisk air in my lungs, not to mention I think scarves are a fabulous fashion accessory. But the weather we've had these past 5 days has been absolutely gorgeous! It's nearly 80, but it's so beautiful that I can't complain about that. I went to the park yesterday with Karen and her kids and another friend of hers. Karen went home to get some of those folding park chairs, and we just sat out in the wonderful spring day and enjoyed the fresh air. I even got to hold the other woman's new baby! He is only about a month old, and he was just the tiniest little thing ever. He was actually smaller than Quinn was when Quinn was born! They are all going again today, but Jalal's off and wants to go to Commerce, Georgia, to the outlets. I'm torn. We have a history of overspending at places like that and we need to be super careful about our money right now. But I do have to get Quinn some navy pants for Easter. I found his shirt at a consignment store. It's navy and yellow and white gingham (or plaid maybe?), and long sleeved and button-down. I want to get him one of those newsboy caps so badly to go with it. But Jalal just gave me "the look." You know, the one that says, "Really? You want to dress up my child like that? Wait for a girl and then do your worst."

So we had position night at bowling yesterday. We didn't bowl last week because of the snow, so we were all a little out of practice. Alissa couldn't come at the last minute, so we had to use her average score minus 10. That was an 80. Not good for position night! Most everybody didn't do so well, although Karen got a 190, just one pin away from her best ever. I was pretty happy with my scores: 108, 116, and a 155! Woohoo! That's an average of more than 20 points above my previous average. But it didn't matter. We lost all our points. [You get 2 points for each game your team wins and 2 points if you have a total win in pins for the night, for a possible total of 8 points.] We only lost the first game by 2 pins! Man. That's okay. We'll pick it up next week. We had a great time, though. The team we were playing was a lot of fun. That always helps, when you can interact with the other team well. It didn't hurt that it was Bryon's team. To give you a visual, his nickname is "Big Sexy." He's pretty crazy. And we've all agreed to go to the New Kids on the Block concert next week. We're going to have a blast. I need to remind Ceal to burn me a copy of her CDs. She bought one of their old CDs and their new one at the last concert she went to. Well, I better go get Quinn dressed for our day of shopping. Hope everyone is having as beautiful a day as we are. Love, Us.

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