What I'm Reading


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Brought to You by the Letter P

Yikes! I realized that I better post once this month before June is over! Sorry kids. If anyone has any complaints about me being out of touch, you may contact me about what time you'd like to come over and play with Quinn, feed Maddie, wash dishes, iron shirts, vacuum up peas from under the table, and edit a book in British English while I blog and post photos. Takers? Hah! I thought not. Seriously, though. Sorry about that.

So, where are all of you moms who swore that all I had to do was put Quinn in underwear for a few hours to potty train him? Supposedly, one little accident is all it takes to get them rushing for the potty, right? Three puddles later, and I'm doing an extra load of laundry and the potty (sitting right in the living room so as not to interrupt the activities too much)is empty. Hmmm. That doesn't seem to be working. I'm not sure I have ever envied you people with wood floors more than I did today. At my Bible study this morning, someone came to get me and said Quinn needed to use the potty but the girls watching the kids weren't sure what to do with him. I laughed and said, "OK, but I'm just going to go in there and ask if he wants to sit on the potty, and he's going to say no." I'm not psychic, but I was spot on with that one. He's pretty adept at peeing in the bathtub, though! Guess we'll give it another shot tomorrow. Good night. Love, Us.