What I'm Reading


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patty's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone. We don't have much going on today. Yesterday, Sarah was supposed to come over and play with Quinn while Maureen had to do some stuff, but then her plans changed and Sarah didn't come over. I was pretty disappointed. I even bought sidewalk chalk and planned to go outside. It wouldn't have worked anyway because it rained all day. We are all going to the library tomorrow for storytime, so that should be fun. Or crazy, or both!

Bowling last night was a bust. We won our final game but only by three points. Every single one of us sucked. I don't think any of us improved our averages at all. Although Ceal and Alissa pulled out some crazy strikes and spares at the end to save us. We need to get our acts together for next week. I went out Saturday night to bowl with Maureen, Karen, and Bryon (a guy from another team). We had a good time but I didn't do anything special. It was hard to bowl well when no one else paid attention to taking turns. There was absolutely no bowling etiquette there. And if I were the woman playing on the lane next to us, I would have plenty to say for Not Me! Monday, like "I did not take my 10-month-old baby out bowling with me, my pubescent husband, my cigarette-smoking mom, and her butch girlfriend until after midnight. And if I didn't, I wouldn't have let my child sip soda out of my cup." Seriously? I'm by no means a perfect or even great mom, but that's just messed up.

Quinn and I watched the Elmo ("Momo") Potty Time video yesterday over lunch. Oh boy. I guess I need to commit a little more to the potty training thing. Maybe I'll have to break down and buy training pants. I guess I don't take him often enough to try, but it's such a pain taking a diaper off and on. It was kind of funny, though. The movie had some "adult" jokes, like "This episode is brought to you by the letter P and the number 2." Get it? And when Elmo asked Baby Bear if he was potty trained, he said, "Does a bear go potty in the woods?" Hah!

Well, I better go find us some green clothes in case we go out today. I didn't buy Quinn any special St. Patrick's Day clothes this year. I know, big surprise! I did get him an Easter shirt, so you'll see that soon enough. Love, Us.


trishandwade said...

Wow! That cake is amazing!! I would hire her in a second to make a cake for my special occasion! What talent!

trishandwade said...

That's so crazy! Whoever left that last comment must've hacked my google account and used my name/login. The nerve!! They are too sweet though, with those nice little encouraging words.