What I'm Reading


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cough, Cough, Snot

My child is a nightmare today. I don't know what is wrong with him, but if this is the terrible twos, I want out! He's fussy and cranky, won't eat but wants food, throws stuff all over the room, throws a tantrum if I turn off the TV, and can't even enjoy a trip to the playground. I would argue that he's been sick, which he has. I came down with a cold/fever while in Daytona (told you that place is toxic), and he caught it a couple days later. But he was almost 100% percent better yesterday. Basically, he was feverish and had no appetite for three days. Now the fever is gone, the appetite is not back yet, and he's coughing and sneezing and snotty. So I can't really take him out anywhere. We were supposed to go to some Despereaux Easter event at the mall this morning with Maureen and Sarah, but Sarah was up all night getting her canine teeth in, so we were going to go alone. By the time 9:00 rolled around, I said forget it. In the span of two hours, he was such a pain that I did not want to go anywhere with him. Unfortunately, I didn't want to stay here with him either. So he's down for a second nap today, which he usually doesn't do anymore. But I guess he needed it because he has been passed out silently for almost two hours! I took the time to make a cake out of my Kraft Food magazine. It's a lemon cake, and though it doesn't look as nice as the picture, I'm hoping it tastes good. I tried to make it this morning but realized we didn't have any round cake pans. Who the heck doesn't have round cake pans? When I called Jalal, he said, "Well, I don't bake, so I guess it's possible." So I went to Ross and got two round cake pans for $3.50. I also got a Dr. Suess video for Quinn (I never thought I would be so sick of Veggietales) and a cute tank top for him. I also made dinner already, though Jalal won't be home for another two hours. I plan to have Quinn fed and bathed and ready for bed by the time Jalal gets home from work. We are trying to spend more time together.
Yesterday was our anniversary (four years married and almost ten together!), and it was very nice. He sent me flowers (though he said the arrangement looked nothing like the one he ordered online), and I got a babysitter and took him to dinner. We went to City Range, one of our favorite nicer restaurants, and had prime rib. Mmmm. Then we saw Duplicity, the new movie with Julia Roberts and Clive Owen or Owen Clive or some British guy. It was fun because it had an unexpected ending, not something that happens often nowadays in my opinion.
For those of you who are still waiting to hear how Daytona went, it was crummy. I mean, it was great to see Trish (why can't she live next door for crying out loud!) and Mom, and we got to have a little picnic with my aunt and uncles, Nani (my grandmother), and two of my cousins, along with my cousin's baby, Caden, who seriously vies for my vote as cutest boy ever (okay, maybe cutest blond boy ever). But the house, the reason we went down there and spent hundreds of dollars at an inconvenient time, that was not good. Not good at all. Let's just say that I will not be going back there. Mom needs to put her big-girl panties on and deal with it. I am not a cleaning service! There, that's enough of that.
This morning, one of the things I did accomplish (or rather, my friends accomplished) was getting tickets to see Kenny Chesney next month. He's going to be here with Lady Antebellum and Miranda Lambert, and though they aren't my favorite country performers, we scored fantastic seats and I know we're going to have a blast. All the girls from my bowling team will be there. And after last week's bowling performance, we deserve it! Ceal and Alissa both had to pre-bowl, but we ended up winning all eight of our points. That should move us up in the standings next week!
Well, the beast stirs, so I'm going to take a deep breath, another shot (just kidding), and go get him. Pray he's in a better mood. And we're still praying for Stellan, who's been in the hospital for 13 days now. He's doing better but he's still a long way from healed. More soon. Love, Us.

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