What I'm Reading


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Numbers

For those of you who want the official numbers from Quinn's checkup, here they are. [Drumroll please. . . ] Weight: 25.81 lbs (50th %); Height: 32.5 in. (57th %); Head circumference: 18.5 in. (28th %).

I thought he had a huge head because it's tough as nails to get a shirt over that noggin, but the numbers don't back me up. Oh well. Also, we now have a dentist's appointment scheduled for the end of this month. Won't that be fun? (Where's a sarcastic font when you need it?) He gets to watch me first, which is a much better idea than him watching Jalal. I won't scare the pants off the kid. I don't mind the dentist. I actually liked going to my old dentist. Everyone was so nice and it usually didn't hurt, at least not as much as the monotony of my work cubicle did. Jalal has only been to the dentist once in the last 10 years and that was because a crown broke off. I shudder to think . . . Well, maybe he is smart to fear going to the dentist. We'll see because he is also going to the dentist soon! I have the power to make appointments for him and the power to make him go whether he likes it or not. (I think. I'll let you know how this one plays out.) By the way, I've marked off six items on my to-do list. And yes, I actually did all of them before I marked them off. Naysayers. All of you! More later. Love, Us.

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