What I'm Reading


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sweetest Bedtime Ever

This is short, but I just had to share. I just put Quinn to bed, and he's been a little sick with a cold, so we've had our ups and downs this week. But after he cried for some unknown reason while I was dressing him, he settled down for a book and cuddle. Then, as I was turning out the light, he pointed to the clock and said, "Eight!" I asked if he wanted to count one more time before bed, and he said, "One, two, three, four, five, six, W, X, Y!" Hmmm. So close. I don't know how to get him to say "Seven" and not "Sevel-you" or "W." I just laughed and hugged him and told him how great he is. What a sweet way to end the night.
Love, Us.

1 comment:

trishandwade said...

Aah, letters, numbers...who cares? They're all the same when you're a genius.