What I'm Reading


Monday, June 8, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I DID NOT drop and then pick up a piece of bacon from the floor and shrug, thinking it was dry so it probably didn’t pick up anything much. That would be disgusting.

I have not gone to McDonald’s so often that Quinn yells out “fries” when he sees those golden arches. However, even if I did go that often, I would be proud to admit that he still wants apples (“appits”) and doesn’t even ask for one of my fries, which is good, I mean, if I had any. And, again, if I did go, I would at least pride myself on the fact that he has never repeated a Happy Meal toy. That’s a good sign, right?

I do not regularly let Quinn forgo pants sometime after around 3:00 on most days, when I’m too lazy to put his pants back on after a diaper change. He’s not a baby anymore, so I always make sure he’s impeccably dressed.

I did not taunt my child with a cup of milk to get him to go upstairs, holding it a couple steps ahead of him like he was a horse and it was a carrot. That’s just manipulative.

I did not help dislocate my child’s elbow on Friday trying to hold onto his hand while he swung around me like a deranged monkey. Just about an hour before that, I did not accidentally knuckle punch him in the temple, swinging my arm around to catch an endcap of toothpaste containers before he swept them onto the floor and catching his head in the process. My poor baby!

I did not have to edit my post from yesterday because I said Quinn's new puppy had a peace T-shirt when he really has "guitars rock" pajamas. I pay way more attention to the things I purchase than that.

Here's hoping that next week I have nothing to deny! Love, Us.

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