What I'm Reading


Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I tend to be a little lax about constant monitoring of Quinn when I'm trying to finish an edit. Nothing shows this better than the events of this afternoon. I guess I had forgotten to lock the lazy Susan pantry because Quinn starts bringing me items from there into the living room. First it was the salt, then fettucine, then two packets of oatmeal, then bulghur wheat. I didn't worry too much about this. I did pop into the kitchen at one point to see where he was putting them when he took them back in there. Turns out he was building a tower of boxes next to the fridge. It got pretty high. I was impressed. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse when the tower collapsed. The rigatoni box popped open and released a few pieces of pasta onto the floor. I got the boxes all packed away and the lazy Susan locked up first of all. Then I told Quinn to put the pasta in the trash, which he did. I guess maybe he palmed a piece or found another later because when I came back into the living room a few minutes later, he was chewing on a mouthful of something. He obediently spit all the soggy pasta pieces into a napkin for me, no worse for the wear. Guess he should have eaten his sandwich at lunch, huh?
Love, Us.

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