What I'm Reading


Monday, June 22, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not slack off yesterday and not post a "Sunday Silly Stories" post. Because I am always diligent and know how much you look forward to me writing. Ha!

I did not look at my watch three times during the sermon at church, which was good and even funny, but really long and rambling.

Quinn DID NOT literally pee on the floor at Walmart yesterday. I ALWAYS check his diaper after church, so that wasn't the issue. I noticed his pants were damp after lunch, but I let Jalal convince me it was probably water or drool. When I realized at Walmart how wet he was, I took him immediately to the bathroom at the front, only to find it closed for cleaning. Do I rush back to the bathroom at the back of the store? No, I catch up with Jalal, who stops to look at cell phone cases on the way. In the electronics aisle, Quinn, sitting in the cart, looks at me and says, "Bobby." Oh, really, honey? Is that what's running down your leg onto the floor? And thank God I had a cloth diaper in his bag to mop it up with. Of course, I had a backup outfit. I would never push my poor child through Walmart with no pants on. Not Me! I have never felt like such a redneck. Whoops! Guess that'll teach me.

I did not take a picture of Quinn's no-no, when he stole a bite of chocolate cake as I was making cake balls last week, all the while trying to keep a straight face and say, "No! That is a naughty thing to do."

So, yesterday was Father's Day. We had a very nice day. Cards to wake up to, a digital picture frame, and a specially made Boston Cream Pie from Strossner's. Jalal almost messed up all my plans by coming home after three hours at work because he'd hurt his back. So I had to convince him to stay home while I went out to Target (and Strossner's) and then had to sneak the cake and the present in from the car and hide them both while he's lying on the floor in the living room. In all, it was successful, though. Well, that's enough for today. Love, Us.

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