What I'm Reading


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pour Some Sugar on Me

I really should be working because I am getting farther and farther behind, but I can't resist talking about my adorable child. We had a wonderful Easter, even though Jalal had to work and couldn't go to church. But Quinn looked perfect in his Easter outfit. We went outside and took pictures in front of the house, which is what Trish and I did when we were kids in our Easter dresses (I wonder if I can find pictures of the year I had a perm fro and we both got bright floral, off the shoulder dresses).

Quinn has been doing so well with his language skills lately. He has started saying "Up" instead of "Ut," though I still have to prompt him sometimes. He says "door" now (and he can open them!) and "horse" and all these words I never heard him say before. This morning, Jalal and I were hanging out with him in bed and reading his Eric Carle alphabet book. As soon as he grabbed the book, Jalal asked him to point to the "A," then "B," then "C." And he got them all right! My jaw just dropped. I said, "Were you working on that last night, Jalal?" He said, no, not since the previous morning. Holy crap! Is that normal? Now, even when he doesn't get the letters right, he still seems to recognize that they are letters. At the mall play area today (it was raining), he stopped and pointed to the letters on the floor and said "E" and "B" (though not necessarily correctly). I'm so impressed with him.

And he's going through the attachment object phase. He loves his blankets ("banktet" or something like that), but the other day when I got him up from a nap, he asked for his blanket while I was changing his diaper (another new word, and he goes to get a new one whenever he's wet). I gave him his Winnie the Pooh blanket because it is comparitively small. He said, very sharply, "Nuhnoh!" and I had to get him his Wendy Bellissimo blanket (at least the kid has good taste). Now he wants to carry that blanket downstairs with him when he wakes up.

Last night, I had bowling and Jalal stayed home with Quinn. I had given Jalal a couple of his favorite sweets for Easter, like Peeps and chocolate marshmallow eggs, which come in a real egg carton. Quinn has had more sugar in the past weekend than in his whole life combined, between sugar cookies, jelly beans, his first Jello (that was funny), part of a Peep, and I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting. Anyway, Jalal told me he had to go out to get something from his car at one point, at the same time a coworker called his cell. So he closed the gate and told Quinn to stay put, that he's be right back. When he came back in, Quinn was sitting on the couch with the marshmallow egg carton open on his lap, chest and face covered in chocolate. He saw Jalal and looked up with a look on his face that said, "Oh, no, busted." He quickly swallowed what was left in his mouth and Jalal figured out that he had eated two whole eggs. What have we done? He used to say no to desserts or sweet things. Now he's a monster!

Bowling last night was incredible. We wiped the floor with our opposition. I posted a sad 81, then made up for it with a 153 and then a 178! My personal best! Even more impressive than that was Ceal's final game. The girl whose average is 100 shot a 183! It was so amazing that I was shaking at the end and couldn't sit down. Let's hope that shoots us to the top of the league! Go Gutter Gals!

So I heard about this hysterical blog today from my sister. For those of you who don't really care to read about anybody's kids but mine, this is totally different. It's a guy in Oregon who adopted three baby chicks. He named them Noodle Soup (Noodie), Salad Sandwich (Sally), and Pot Pie (Potty). Every day, he takes model-style pics of the girls, and it is so funny. It's super short, so it won't take long, but you will get such a kick out of it. It's http://3chixaday.blogspot.com/. So that's enough for tonight. I'm going to get on the bike and put in a decent workout. Night-night. Love, Us.

1 comment:

trishandwade said...

I have some pictures of the infamous flower dresses, perms, and big glasses. What the HECK were we thinking??