What I'm Reading


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Gutter Gals "Strike" Again

Hah! I'm pretty proud of that title. Bowling last night was fun, though for the second week in a row, it was just three of us. We played our friend Bryon's team, which is always a lot of fun. We won two of the three games, but they got more total points, so we didn't move up to first place. Before last night we were in fifth place, which is misleading. The top two teams both had 48 points, and the next three (including us) each had 46, so you could say we were tied for third. If the teams ahead of or tied with us didn't do as well, last night, we'll move up. But Bryon's team was already ahead of us. Anyway, it would be really nice to win and get some money. After all, I have Kenny Chesney tickets to pay for! I didn't do as well as I would have liked, though. I got a 107, 115, and 115. All over my average of 106.

At least it was a night away from the beast. I swear, something has gotten into him. He was a little better yesterday and a lot better today--until Jalal left for work. He won't eat, he is starting to hit (only me, though, hmmmm), he freaks out and throws things when he gets mad, and he bit me yesterday in the grocery store. Is this just the Terrible Twos? I hate blaming this kind of behavior on a phenomenon like that, but none of the other explanations seem to cover everything: teething, getting over a cold, growth spurt, possession (I made that last one up). Well, I guess we'll just keep trying to teach him how to behave properly and hope he doesn't shrink too much before he gets his appetite back. I had better get going so I can get some work done and maybe call my mom before the Biggest Loser comes on. Happy Easter week! Love, Us.

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