What I'm Reading


Sunday, April 5, 2009

I'm Being Read!

It's late and I need to get to sleep after another long day of cranky baby. I was so close to wringing his little neck today. Thank you God for patience. But I just wanted to say that I have my first (that I know of) reader who is not a personal friend. Crazy! I guess that's a sign that something of our lives is universally appealing (can it be called universal if it's just one person?). Anyway, that lemon cake I made yesterday rocked. No kidding. My husband, who doesn't particularly like sweets at all, at two pieces last night! I stopped at one and had to brush my teeth to get rid of the sugar sheen. Mmmm. Sugar. Well, must go sleep now. Have a lot of work to catch up on tomorrow before I rock the house at bowling. Fingers crossed! Love, Us.

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