What I'm Reading


Friday, April 24, 2009

It's Snot Funny

I know it has been awhile since I posted, but I have had the lamest immune system lately. I had just gotten over my really bad cough when I came down with another cold. I felt so much better yesterday, but today has been pretty phlegmy--and Quinn's nose has been running all day, so I'm now guilty of getting him sick. I try so hard not to get him sick, like making him kiss me on the cheek instead of the mouth and not letting him drink from my cup (I actually try to prevent that all the time, I'm just more diligent when I'm sick).
Anyway, I have been pretty busy. I turned in my work for my new job last Friday, a full week early. Yay! And I went out to a bar last night with Maureen for her birthday. I'm glad I did because none of her other friends showed up. I didn't stay out late, but I did have a pretty good time. One woman (wearing ALL WHITE) stopped me on my way back to our table and told me over and over again how beautiful I was and asked if anyone had ever told me that. She held me captive for about three minutes and it was just a leetle uncomfortable. Oh well, guess I can always use a self-esteem boost, right? And I remembered how much I love the taste of Malibu and pineapple juice. Mmmm.
Today was the joint birthday party for Owen and Emma, two of Quinn's friends. It was crazy, with 10 kids running around at once (actually, one of them was just 2 months old, so he wasn't doing a whole lot of running). Quinn was a wreck, totally out of character. He kept tripping or hurting himself and then crying hysterically for a while. He was such a mess. But he had no trouble eating his cake and ice cream.
Well, it's late now and I think I'm going to try to get some sleep. I know this was a short post, but I'll be back again soon. Love, Us.

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