What I'm Reading


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Winnie the Poop

No, that is not a typo. We had our Easter egg hunt (or "Eggstravaganza" as everyone here insists on calling them) at church this morning. It was reall a lot of fun. They had all kinds of crafts for the kids inside before the actual hunt. Quinn decorated a sugar cookie with icing and sprinkles and then ate all the icing and sprinkles before finishing the rest of the cookie. He played with a couple other kids his age, chasing and trying to blow bubbles. He stuck a bunch of foam stickers all over a foam egg. And he tried to collect every single crayon out of the container without actually coloring his picture at all. But by far the funniest thing about the day was when he pointed to one of the nice ladies organizing the event and said "Poop!" Those of you who keep up know that "Poop" isn't our word for potty (that's "Bobby"), but evidently he has picked up on the word "poop" as we'll made (some) potty training progress. No, she was wearing a lovely shirt embroidered with all of the Winnie the Pooh characters. So poor Quinn, in his ever growing vocabulary, has confused Pooh and Poop. It could happen to anyone. Luckily he did choose that moment to use his inside voice, so nobody but me heard it. Saved me from having to tactfully explain that Quinn was not being rude.

Quinn did pretty well collecting Easter eggs, too, along with the other 19-month-olds (there's about 3 other boys his age at church!). Then, after collecting about 5 eggs each, the boys took turns on the slide. At one point, Quinn decided he had so much fun with the Easter egg hunt that he wanted to do it in reverse. So he took the eggs out of his bucket one by one and put them on the ground. Oh, and did I mention his shirt? His shirt says, "The Easter Bunny made me do it." Hah!

After a nap, Quinn helped me decorate our own sugar cookies. No icing, just sprinkles (do I look stupid?). He was very helpful. He would sprinkle some on the cookies (unbaked), then pick them off and eat them. Try as I might, I couldn't get him to focus on decorating alone. I even made sure he had just had a big lunch. Then the plan was to let (help) him put Easter stickers all over the eggs I dyed yesterday. But I couldn't get the stickers to stick, so I just let him move the eggs back and forth from the tupperware to the napkin on the table a few times. He really enjoyed that. I'm not sure he would have enjoyed doing it the right way any more. Well, that's been our Easter festivities so far. I have Quinn's Easter basket all loaded and ready to go for the morning with no candy! I think I'm going to fill a few plastic eggs with some jelly beans tonight, but that will be the extent of it. I'm surprised he isn't bouncing off the walls as it is with the two sugar cookies, sprinkles, and two large jelly beans he has eaten today. Well, I'm going to get going. I skipped Quinn's bath last night so that he would be clean for church tomorrow. In case I can't check in tomorrow, happy Easter everyone! (I really want to watch "The Passion of the Christ" again for this Easter. I probably should have planned ahead and ordered it from Netflix a few days ago. Oh, well, maybe some of you will watch it and remember what Easter is all about. I mean, besides marshmallow eggs and putting bunny ears on innocent little boys.) Love, Us.

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