What I'm Reading


Friday, April 25, 2008

Today's the Day!

Trish is on her way! I'm so excited. My sister is going to be here in just a few hours, and I can't wait to see her. She can't wait to see Quinn! Who by the way decided to stand up in his crib this morning. Great. Now we have to take down his mobile and drop his mattress as low as it will go. We already dropped it down once when we moved in. Well, I'm not going to write much today because I still have a lot to do before Trish gets here. I have to plan what to make for dinner, map out all the bridal shops in town, and clean up the living room a little. And I have baby clothes strewn all over my bed because he's moving up into a bigger size. I have to go through and pull all his too-small stuff and pack it away because Trish will disown me if she sees Quinn in pants that are too short. That's her pet peeve. Jalal says she's worse than DSS! She does love her nephew. I should go. Love, Us.

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