What I'm Reading


Saturday, April 5, 2008

I Need a Nap!!

Well, it's another rainy day in the Upstate, and I'm exhausted. My darling child is on a roller coaster of good sleep, bad sleep. I think he's teething. I HOPE he's teething. Because Jalal is either coming home late or getting up early for work, I "graciously" offered to take Quinn downstairs last night and two nights ago. Last night wasn't as bad as Wednesday, but I still only got a few hours of sleep. Now I know truly what round-the-clock nursing is. It's the only thing that will calm him. Poor kid. I know people would tell me to take a nap while he's napping, but I feel like I have so much to do! I'm trying out the good-housewife role. It's rewarding in some ways, but other times it stinks. I SHOULD iron Jalal's work shirts so he doesn't have to do it late at night. I SHOULD figure out what to make for dinner in case I have to go to the store. I SHOULD work on my latest edit for Arcadia. But you know what? I'm going to see if I can catch a nap with Quinn. It won't kill me if the boxes stay packed a little longer and the dishwasher doesn't get emptied until later. Napping is what rainy days are about anyway. Okay, you talked me into it. Maybe I'll be so refreshed, I'll get twice as much work done afterward! Love, Us.

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