What I'm Reading


Monday, April 7, 2008


Mondays don't have the same sense of dread anymore. I wonder why that is? Oh yeah, I don't have to go to work! Well, those of you who know me know how absurd it is to think of me in the homemaker role, but you know what? I'm actually pretty good at it, I think. Jalal has been impressed with my dinners so far. (I tried to start off strong with meals of my own rather than just making the things he used to make.) Today I grocery shopped. I almost started a conversation with a woman who had a baby, but I chickened out. So I don't have friends here yet, but two friends from Charleston did visit us yesterday! Jon and Jo Ann came by on their way home from Atlanta and took us to lunch. It was so nice. Maybe someone else could come visit soon . . . Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Oh, and the big news this week is about Quinn. He's crawling! Officially, on his hands and knees, not falling down every other step, CRAWLING! Yikes. So now my little crawler has a cage. That sounds horrible. It's a gated play yard. He can have all his toys in it, and plenty of room to roam, plus he can still see and hear me when I'm downstairs. I don't have to keep taking the plastic bag of diapers out of his mouth (kidding) or pull him off of the TV set (also kidding, sort of). He's so curious, and it cracks me up how he would so much rather play with a cord than these brightly colored, musical, spinning toys designed to hold babies at rapt attention. What a waste of money! If only it were safe to let him play with cords and plastic bags, we'd be rich folk. He's also had two good nights' sleep in a row, thereby breaking the curse. (Oh yeah, and that nap the other day? 15 minutes. Better than nothing, I guess.)
Uh oh. I think I hear the little booger now. No complaints from me, though. That was a 2 hour nap! Later. Love, Us.

1 comment:

trishandwade said...

I WILL visit soon, very soon. I miss you guys so much. Give my little man a hug and kiss, and Uncle Wade says "keep crawling, buddy"!