What I'm Reading


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

To Sleep Perchance to Dream

It's 5:30 a.m. Is Quinn awake? No. Am I? Obviously. I have no idea why I can't sleep. He woke up once last night, at around 10:30. I woke up at 10:30, 12:10, 1:15, 2:35, 4:10, and 5:15. I don't know what is wrong with me. I did have a horrible headache at 10:30, so I took something for that while Jalal fed Quinn. Since then, the headache has been gone, but I still can't stay asleep. I figured I could get some work done before the rest of the house awakes.
So just yesterday I wrote about Quinn's development and crawling. Wouldn't it be nice to have a chance to get used to one thing before another begins? Last night, while Jalal and I were eating dinner, Quinn stared at us (mournfully, hopefully) from his Exersaucer, practically begging us to feed him. Well, it wasn't baby-friendly food, so of course I wouldn't. (By the way, he had just eaten. He wasn't hungry; he just thinks he should eat what and when we eat. And considering his father, he's not the only one! Just the other night, Jalal gave him his first piece of steak. He was having prime rib and cut a small piece from the middle to let Quinn gum. I guess Jalal was tired of waiting for Quinn to get a tooth.) Anyway, I finally let Quinn sit on the couch with us while we finished eating. He started clinging to my sleeve like a little monkey. The next thing I know, he grabs my shirt up near my shoulder and pulls himself to standing! Convinced it's a fluke, I say, "Um Jalal? Come look at this." I sat Quinn back down, and he did it again! So what would any normal, rational mother do at this point? Who knows? I cried. It is so cliche, but he is growing up so fast! I was both sad that he was growing up quickly and incredibly happy that I was around to see it. My baby's almost eight months old. That is so hard to believe. I guess there's no denying it now. If only he would say "Mama". . .
Love, Us.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hey Barbie
The little angel is keeping you busy. Housework is neverending. You are scaring me though-still no sleep at eight months old? I was hoping after 3 months Ill be back to my regular schedule. Wishful thinking!!! Dont be afraid to talk to a stranger. People are usually very willing to chat esp with a baby in common. Have you tried a mommy website, similar to Charlestonmommies?
Hope you meet people soon. Miss you. Give our best to Jalal.

Jennifer and Jeff