What I'm Reading


Monday, May 25, 2009

Sunday Silly Stories and Not Me! Monday...on Tuesday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Today will be a little combo of Not Me! Monday and Sunday Silly Stories because I took the weekend off. I mean, I hardly worked at all (on my paying job anyway). Jalal had two days off too, and we got a lot done. He even got a nap in. How nice for him. (Where is my sarcastic font when I need it? Wait, who am I kidding? You guys could probably figure out that I was being sarcastic, right?)

Okay, so Quinn wakes us up at the crack of dawn. He won't settle down and quietly watch TV in our bed, despite his repeated and loud shushing (of himself?), so I made him go downstairs with me and refused to turn the TV on. When I went to fix him breakfast (after he got into the Goldfish crackers at 7:05), he tried to open the fridge as usual. Have I ever mentioned that he likes to stand there in front of the open fridge and say "Ummm..."? He does. Cracks me up. But yesterday we installed fridge and oven locks. Hah. I, a compassionate mother, DID NOT laugh hysterically when he almost fell on his butt trying to yank the fridge open.

I DID NOT feel a little bit complimented when Quinn reached up and stroked my butt at the hot air balloon festival while saying, "Niiice." That's right, buddy. It IS nice.

I DID NOT say to myself, as I was pulling the ice cream out of the freezer after not working out three days in a row, "Half the fat means I can eat twice as much, right?" Or, when Jalal brought home little Snickers ice cream bars, say, "At least they are small and not full-size, that'll help portion control," only to think, "God, these things are bite-size. I might need to eat two" when I actually pulled one out of the freezer. Not me.

I DID NOT put my silver hoop earrings on Quinn's ears and then take pictures of him. If I had, I probably shouldn't have said anything to Jalal about it and then gotten into a real argument about sexism. Whoops! Who knew something so innocent (?) could lead to that?

We stopped by Chik-Fil-A (God bless you, Truett Cathy) on our way to get Quinn's hair cut this morning. Quinn had already eaten, so it was a good time to get chicken biscuits. I got a small iced tea along with my biscuit. Quinn started begging for water, which I didn't have handy, so I offered him a sip of my tea, which I NEVER do (seriously, that's the truth, not one of the Not Me items). He took a sip and when I asked for it back, he said, "Nuh-no!" hugging the cup to his chest and fending me off with the other hand. He looked like those guys in the Heisman pictures! He seriously would not give it back to me until we parked and Jalal pried it from his hands. I guess he likes tea. At least it isn't sweet tea, so it's just a little caffeine. He did still act like a good boy at Snip-Its, unlike every other kid there. What a bunch of screaming kids! Good grief. Going to places with lots of other children always makes me and Jalal feel better about Quinn.

You know, every week I say I'm going to write stuff down for Sunday and Monday posts, and then I don't and can't remember all the funny stuff that happened all week. So you, dear readers, all three of you, get gypped. Sorry. I promise I'll try better next week. Love, Us.

1 comment:

trishandwade said...

By the way, Quinn really likes Sweet Tea as well. Not sure how I know that...I just do.