What I'm Reading


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dying Dalmation Fish and the Plus Side of Pregnancy

Alas, our second dalmation fish is foundering in the tank. The first one, the one that was mostly black, took a field trip to the "bobby" last week. Now the mostly white one is floating vertically and with its gills all puffed out. I keep asking Jalal if there is anything we can do, but he says no. They could have been old or sick when we got them, and they are called starter fish because they have to survive (or not) the harshest aquarium environment. It's just so sad to see it struggling. Good thing we didn't name them (except for Mickey). Even though fish aren't my thing, I've come to like the little guys, especially since I'm caring for them way more than I expected (silly me for not seeing that coming). I say "good morning fishies" with Quinn and "night-night," and I feed them at least once a day.

In other news, I'm a little over halfway through "Slumdog Millionaire" and loving it. I adore Indian movies, though admittedly this is no traditional Bollywood film. I probably could have made it all the way through during Quinn's nap, but I paused for some other household chores, like a shower (you're welcome), checking the mail, and vacuuming (long overdue). I'm also working on cleaning out our guest room a bit. I can't believe I brought so much junk up from Charleston. One of these days (months) soon, we're going to move Quinn into a toddler bed and probably turn the guest bedroom into the nursery for future kids. Not that we are expecting any, so don't get your hopes up. One day but not yet. I shudder to think how I would feel if my next first trimester is anything like it was with Quinn. On the plus side, I wouldn't have to feign a sudden love for Saltines at work to hide morning sickness and I could probably pull off daily afternoon naps. On the other hand, it makes me tired just thinking about chasing around a toddler and having him bounce around on my tummy like I'm his personal horsey. For that reason alone, I'm tempted to wait until Quinn's in kindergarten or we can afford to hire a maid service. Okay, enough pondering pregnancy. I'm sure we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I guess I've been thinking about babies a lot lately because so many people are having them around me, at church, friends on Facebook, friends of friends. I should really enjoy only having only one little monster bundle of joy right now! Have a good day! Love, Us.

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