What I'm Reading


Thursday, June 19, 2008

I'll Take the Letter "Q" Please

You know how some summer camps have a "talking stick" that gets passed around and only the person holding it can talk? We need one for parenting. The person holding the stick is the one who has to watch Quinn. Or I can just be responsible myself and close the laptop whenever I'm not working on it. I stopped working the other night for just a couple of minutes to do something in the kitchen. Quinn decided he was going to help Mommy get her edit done. Jalal saw a whole bunch of text highlighted on the screen and jumped over the gate to get to Quinn and the computer. Not only had he typed some gibberish, he also somehow removed the letter Q. Hmmm...the letter Q? His initial? Seriously? Considering how many keys there are on a keyboard, that's a pretty big coincidence. Or is it? He may be small, but he's not stupid. Jalal gave him a bath the other night and said Quinn was putting his face in the water! I saw him do it tonight, too, and he's trying to drink it! We got him these little fish squirters and he loves it when I squirt water into his mouth.
So Louella is doing a little better. Jehad got the nurses to back off on some of her meds so she wouldn't be practically comatose, and she is now lucid enough to help take care of some of her final details (will, power of attorney, burial plans, etc.). She's even sitting up and watching TV and things now. Jalal talked to her yesterday and she was so happy that we were coming to see her. She's still fighting.
Now I need to go back to Charleston tomorrow. One of my friends from Arcadia lost her husband on Tuesday, and I feel like I need to be there for her. It's a very sad situation, so please say a prayer for her and her family. Quinn and I are staying with Barry and Vicky and Aundrea and Erika. I am so grateful to them. They'll even watch Quinn while I go to the funeral on Saturday morning.
Anyway, as a result of everything being so crazy, I better get going. I need to get some stuff packed up and some work done. I'll try to keep you posted over the weekend. Love, Us.

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