What I'm Reading


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Okay, We'll Try It

Yuck. I have a bad sore throat and just don't feel well. As some of you may know, I have a tendency toward the dramatic, so I'm trying to play this down a bit. After reading all these horror stories about pregnant women getting the swine flu (one I read yesterday, the mom had to be put in a coma for a couple months after giving birth!), I keep reminding myself that you can just get a cold or something, too, these days. Don't worry, though. Jalal is being a little extra protective to compensate. I've gotten my seasonal flu shot and will get the H1N1 shot when it is ready, too.

Quinn is not helping. I mean, he's being okay, but driving his choo-choo train along my arms and over my head is not so restful. Neither is running his hands through my hair (only soothing until he gets stuck). But he has been really adorable lately sometimes. His new phrase is "Okay, we'll try it." I like the attitude there. It just makes him sound so mature and grown-up. And he's really sweet about asking "Mama otay?" if he thinks I'm hurt or something. His desperate need for lots of running around seems to be increasing if that's at all possible. I try to get him out and let him run around and play every day, but the weather lately hasn't been cooperating. On the one hand, the temp has dropped and it is WONDERFUL to be in the 50s or 60s. On the other hand, it is raining quite often, and there is only so much mall and Monkey Joe's I can take before I'm praying for summer again (gasp! Did I say that?). Anyway, it's tough to get him out when I don't feel good, but it's better than repeatedly reminding him we DON'T JUMP ON THE COUCH!! Well, I am going to try to get some rest. I may call in reinforcements later. You know, Nemo and Monsters, Inc. Maybe Bolt if things get bad.
Love, Us.

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