What I'm Reading


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"Not the Mama!"

Remember that sitcom with the dinosaurs, and the baby always yelled "not the mama!" at the father? It's been the opposite at the Halaby house. Quinn looks at me and says, "Not the dada!" Seriously, he's been saying "dada" since before we moved here, and I got my first "mama" tonight at dinner. I was sitting with him as we ate pot roast, and I asked if he could say mama. He said "am-am" a few times (backwards?) before he finally said "Mama." I was so excited! I said "Yay, Quinn" and he started clapping for himself. He ended up saying it about five times. I just discussed this problem I have with my sister the other day. I know I should call Jalal first every time something big happens. But I can't help wanting to call Trish first! So I gave in this time and called Trish. But I only talked to her for a moment before I called Jalal. He was excited about it, too, even though Quinn refused to say "mama" while he was on the phone. I just can't believe he's doing so much all at once.
Quinn is loving this walking thing. He has now taken up to five steps at a time, and it is so funny to watch. He balances with his back against the couch, tummy pooching out, a look of utter concentration on his face. Then he takes two big steps and two or three tiny ones before collapsing. Last night, while Jalal was playing with him on the floor, Quinn tried to turn around while he was standing. He did this funny little pivot thing by moving one foot in three tiny steps to turn himself around. We got such a kick out of it.
So I guess I better get back to work before I call it a night. Hopefully there will be more to report soon. Maybe Quinn will learn his ABCs this week. ; ) Love, Us.

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