What I'm Reading


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Girl Scout Pledge

So, random post: My sister just called me (we got off the phone about half an hour ago) solely to ask if I remembered the words to the Girl Scout Pledge. She was testing me, which is not all that surprising. She managed to remember them during a discussion with Wade about their experiences as Scouts as kids. So, with only one word of prompting, I did it! After probably a dozen years, I actually remembered all the words. Here they are, for those of you who are curious:
On my honor, I will try to serve God and my country, to help people at all times, and to live by the Girl Scout Law.
(Note that this must be read in a singsong voice, pausing every three words.)
Also, in what shouldn't really be a side note at all, Quinn took his first steps today! Toward the end of Laura's baby shower, I was talking to Laura's mother-in-law and sister-in-law when he turned from me and took one step toward the coffee table before lunging at the table. So of course I freaked out (in a happy way) and we tried to get him to do it again, this time on video. Along with a few minutes of false attempts, we actually got a couple of steps on video. I'm so proud of my little boy!! Love, Us.

1 comment:

trishandwade said...

What's that supposed to mean..."she was testing me, which is not all that surprising"? I would never. I'm so proud of my nephew...walking around like a big boy!! Can't wait to see you guys.