What I'm Reading


Monday, May 19, 2008

Entering the New Millenium (only 8 years late)

We bought a laptop today! Woohoo! I know it seems like a totally frivolous expenditure, but it really will help me get more work done. Now I can work downstairs while Quinn plays and he won't freak out because he can't see me (separation anxiety is fun, let me tell you). It was on major sale and even came with a free wireless printer. So all I have to do is complete 5 more edits than I would have otherwise and it's paid for! Plus, Jalal can use it for work. His boss asked him just the other day if he was ready to travel. It will only be to Charlotte, but he can keep up with his restaurants even when he's out of town for a couple of days. I'm excited about the computer. It's fast, and it's pretty. (I know some girls like that! Hah!)
Anyway, Jalal took Quinn on a field trip to Publix so I could get some work done, so I shouldn't spend much time blogging. I wanted to share with all of you the ridiculous stage-mom thing I just did, though. Some of you already know, but I signed Quinn up for a Parents magazine cover photo contest. I mean, there are some cute kids on there, but I don't think they have anything on Quinn. Seriously, one third of the judging is on personality, and I think you'll all agree that this kid has too much personality for his own good. Check out our gallery to rate and recommend him, though it doesn't affect the judging. The most recommended ones get into a weekly newsletter is all. I'm after the big prize! http://www.parents.com/app/sharemy/photoDetails.jsp?photoId=168900566
I guess I'll get back to work now. Later. Love, Us.

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