What I'm Reading


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sick day

How do I get a sick day? Now that Quinn is mostly better, I guess it's my turn to catch a cold. I felt pretty bad yesterday, but when I woke up this morning, I felt like I had been punched in the face. Literally, my left cheekbone feels bruised. How weird is that? Quinn still has a runny nose, but at least he knows what to do. He comes up to me and says, "No?" That means, depending on the context and inflection, either "no" or "nose." This morning, he's been grabbing tissues and wiping (or blotting) his own nose. Very cute. Between the two of us, I have to do tissue cleanup rounds every half an hour or we'll be buried in them!
I hope I feel better soon because we're supposed to go the Southern Wine Expo in Charleston this Sunday. I wish we were going to be there for the whole weekend. There are so many people I need to see and catch up with. But it will be a pretty quick turnaround this time. Turns out my aunt and uncle are going to be there at the same time. What a coincidence. And since we haven't seen them I think since my dad's funeral, we're going to stay a little longer on Monday to visit with them, maybe have breakfast together. I can't wait to see them. My aunt was very very sick a couple of months ago, and it broke my heart not to be able to be with her. So all you Charlestonians who are saying, "What about me?," I will catch you next visit. Or you can come visit me. I have all the time in the world to visit here at home. And it's only a three-hour drive! We're going on a road trip in early February since Jalal has to take some of his vacation time, but after we catch up from that, I'll try very hard to make a weekend trip to Chucktown and visit with everyone.
It's still pretty cold here. I know I need to get Quinn out of the house to play, but I just don't have the energy. I didn't even manage to take a shower yesterday. Maybe I can get up and moving today. I need to get a couple of things from Target or someplace, like a couple extra pacifiers and a new bib for Quinn. Jalal did the grocery shopping yesterday so that's one less thing to worry about. Our fridge is so stocked, things fall out everytime I open it! And we've resorted to cutting the cooking instructions off of boxes, posting them on the fridge, leaving just the food, like waffles and stuff, in the plastic bags.
So at the risk of getting too much advice, I'm going to throw this request out there. I'm looking for discipline tools for Quinn. The usual recommendations--taking away toys or privileges, ignoring him, etc.--just aren't working. I'm not talking about temper tantrums. Those I ignore, and they're rare. I'm talking about things he does repeatedly, knowing they are wrong, like turning off and on the TV, banging cabinet doors, throwing food at mealtimes. If anyone has practical advice (he's still too young for timeouts), please let me know. Thanks. And now, since I've literally just broken my nose piece off my eyeglasses, I better go. Guess I'm going out today whether I like it or not! Love, Us.

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