What I'm Reading


Monday, August 24, 2009

Not My Child Monday, 2-Year-Old Edition

Here I am picking back up with Not Me! Monday--with a twist. Since I'm SO perfect that I have nothing to say for a Not Me! Monday, I decided to share some of my darling child's antics. Note that said child is 2 years old now, and I am not guilty of hyperbole when I say that he has been possessed by a demon.

My dear son did not begin screaming like a banshee when my beloved Aunt Linda walked in the door to visit on Friday. He loves her, and despite refusing to say "aunt" while chanting happily "Uncles!" the last time we saw her, he would never make her feel so bad, especially when she brought him cookies as a shameless (and effective) bribe.

My beloved angel did not wake up at 4 a.m. on his birthday morning and keep me awake on his floor for an hour before I gave up and went back to my own bed. If he did, he wouldn't then start chattering to his daddy about "Dirt-day Quinn!" while my dear hubby just tried to go the bathroom in peace.

My child did not fall asleep 10 minutes before the start of his birthday party on Saturday. He is an impeccably polite host and would not crash at such an inopportune time.

My sweet baby did not spend all day at the party fussing about "bobby" so much that I had to explain (again) to everyone that he's having some bowel issues (yes, still). He did not then tear around like a ridiculously happy tasmanian devil after he got home and finally relieved himself.

My darling dear boy did not demand the right to "walk walking" in the mall with me and Grandma. If he had, he most certainly would not have stopped a few dozen feet into the mall and grab his crotch, saying "Tight!" He did not then shift his "stuff" around and say "Better" with clear relief. WTH?

Well, if any of you have children that would NEVER embarrass you in public, please share these little episodes. There's only so much chocolate I can consume to make me feel better about myself--and my child. Love, Us.

1 comment:

Jean Stockdale said...

What a great post. Mothering is not for sissies is it? It is a tough gig. Thanks for sharing.

Both my boys are grown and have little boys of their own! How fun is that. I blog to encourage MOMS in the fine art of Christian mothering. Mothering is an awesome and aggravating holy occupation.

I have just added my PODCASTS for my series on Philippians called Joy in the Journey.Check it out if you could use some huge doses of encouragement and personal illustrations along with some great Biblical truth.

On Sept. 17 I will be starting a new series on Ephesians called "High Stepping in High Places." We have live video feed and an archived file for the message as long as the PODCASTS.

We would love the chance to bless you as your raise your flock for the Lord. Check us out at www.jeanstockdale.com or http://jeanstockdale.typepad.com. Blessings.