What I'm Reading


Friday, February 27, 2009

Doctor's Visit

It seems it's time for a new nickname for Captain Distractable. I've been calling him this for weeks now, but when the doctor calls him "Chatty Cathy," you know there's something to it. We had Quinn's 18-month checkup this morning, and it went really well. I love our pediatrician. The whole office is great. We show up at the stroke of 9, our appointment time, sign in, get a form to fill out on how I think Quinn is progressing, and before I can even uncap the pen, they are calling his name! Fabulous! The doc asked if we had any concerns about language and I laughed. Quinn barely stopped talking the whole time we were there. He showed the doctor his nose, eyes, ears, and mouth, colored all over himself with the doctor's pen, and read a book while pointing out things he recognized. Geez! The doc said at his age, 10-20 words is normal. Let's see how many I can think of: Mama, Dada, ball, juice, shoes, hi, bye-bye, knees, nose, no, dog, car, yes (sounds German, "das"), baby, truck, two, milk, peas, please (sounds the same as "peas" but context is different), banana, corn, cheese, book, ear, eye, teeth. . . that's all I can think of right now. But there's also mow for cat, bok bok for chicken, moooo for cow, ooh ooh ahh ahh for monkey, and probably a couple more I'm forgetting. The doctor said he's very talkative for a boy his age and then stopped himself and said "for ANY kid his age, boy or girl." Hmmm, he does have a lot of Langston in him. We come by that pretty honestly. Poor kid, he also seems to have inherited the freckles from me and my dad. I found two on his leg the other day and one on his hand. Took me a few minutes of scrubbing before I realized they weren't coming off! Anyway, he's growing like a weed. I'll have to get the exact numbers, but he passed the 50th percentile in weight, I think about 26 pounds. (Feels like 30!) He had to get two shots and he barely cried at all. He even got a blue lollipop, which helped with the shots but drove me crazy trying to dress him and wipe up all the sticky blue slobber. Well, just wanted to check in while I had a couple minutes. Tonight is girls' night out: Carrabba's and the movie "He's Just Not That Into You." I can't wait! More later. Love, Us.

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