What I'm Reading


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Broken Child

My child is broken. Not for the first time, he awoke tonight after half an hour of sleep (or at least got up half an hour after being put down) and started screaming bloody murder. I don't know what to do about him! He has always been such a good sleeper. We had one day last week where he didn't nap. At all. All day. I nearly walked away and didn't come back. Why is he suddenly fighting it so much? I've tried rocking him to sleep but he pops up as soon as I put him down. I've tried letting him sleep with me in our bed. I've tried sitting with him in his room while he falls asleep. No luck. Grrr!
On the other hand, he did stay perfectly silent and pretty well-behaved this afternoon watching a movie while I took a nap. At one point I heard him whisper, "Shh! Duckies!" But I really don't know what the heck he was talking about.
Our new time-out chair has been working pretty well this week. The first day I thought we were screwed because he kept crawling into it and sitting there even when he wasn't in trouble. But it seems like that got old and he doesn't like it so much anymore. And he will now go over and sit there himself when we tell him to instead of us having to put him in it. Just today I told him if he didn't stop doing something, he would have to sit in time-out. He didn't wait, he just walked right over and sat down in the chair! Hopefully this will help curb the behavior problems we've been having. I'll keep you posted on our lastest exploits! For now, I better eat some dinner in case I don't get a chance to do anything else tonight because I'm busy begging Quinn to sleep. Love, Us.

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