Maddie will be three weeks old tomorrow. She is generally a good baby, requiring very little soothing other than to be held. She is starting to get a bit more demanding though, especially late in the evenings. Tonight, for instance, she is practically inconsolable unless I am holding her, which means I am practically inconsolable without a large bag of M&Ms. I am looking forward to early next week, when we are planning to introduce a bottle, so I can maybe get a stretch of sleep of more than three hours at a time. Quinn is a great big brother, but I need to start getting him out more because he is driving me crazy jumping around and running through the house and literally bouncing off the furniture. Every so often, he just forgets where Maddie is and lands a little too close to her head after a flip or something. I have to admit, though, that I am sick of answering his two favorite questions: Mama, what are we doing next? and What is baby Maddie doing? Usually he asks the former six times in a row; the latter is usually met with the answer, "Not much of anything, honey." My wonderful friends from church are providing a few meals, so I think we'll have enough chicken casseroles to last a while, which is actually a good thing, since I can cook maybe one chicken dish to every five beef dishes. I was worried about getting burnt out on my own ground beef meals, but not this week! Well, I know that isn't much of an update, but there really isn't that much going on. I think I'm going to have to feed this squalling baby and then put us both to bed. Good night! Love, Us.
12 years ago
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