What I'm Reading


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Settling Back In

So we're back from California. What a trip! I left here last Thursday with Quinn, and it was a long day. Jamel and Marla picked me up from the airport, and Alex, Nick, and Gabrielle met us there. We had to stay up way too late, of course, because of the time change and because of catching up with everyone. Jalal had a heck of a time getting out there, even though he left at 4:30 in the morning. He fought tooth and nail with U.S. Air to get on a flight that arrived in LA before 10:30 at night. They were complete jerks to him and didn't even try to help out. He eventually left Pittsburgh after buying a separate ticket on Southwest. Then he went to Chicago and Tucson before getting into LA at 2:00. It was still a tight squeeze getting to the funeral home by 5:00, but we just made it, literally right on time. It was actually nice to see all those people, and Louella had a lot of friends. Her coworkers were wonderful, and everyone had such nice things to say about her. Big surprise, she was an incredible woman. Mike and Crystal even made it, which was wonderful. I know Jalal appreciated the support, and it was nice for me to have friends of my own there, seeing as how I was the most "outsider" of any of the family. There were a lot of beautiful, big flower arrangements, too, which is appropriate, considering how much Louella loved flowers.

The funeral was tough. Marla wrote the eulogy, and even though I'd already read it a couple of times, it still got to me when she read it. The music was beautiful and so was the sermon, even though the priest didn't know Louella. Quinn decided to get cranky mid-service, so Marla's mom came up and took him. That was so sweet because Jalal and I just weren't up to focusing on him at the moment. After the eulogy, they played the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World" from the CD we made Quinn when he was born. That meant so much because she listened to it all the time, right up until she died, and it always calmed her. And it's the first song we play for Quinn every night before he goes to sleep. We'll always think of her when we play it.

Well, there is a lot more to tell about the weekend, but it's midnight and I need to get some sleep. I'll try to finish tomorrow, just in time for my parents to come visit!!! (Cue Psycho music) Love, Us.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

In Memory

Louella Ruth Halaby, an incredible woman and my mother-in-law, lost her battle with cancer on Sunday night. I am so thankful that she is no longer in pain, for her suffering was more than anyone could bear in her final days. Jalal, Quinn, and I had the wonderful and heartbreaking opportunity to say our good-byes to Louella less than a month ago. She was so proud of her three sons, and for those of you who know Jalal, you know she had much to be proud of. She was amazed that so many people she didn't even know had been praying for her, and according to my sister-in-law, she got some comfort from the family's prayers with her during the past week. Evidently, she was most comforted by the CD that we made for Quinn when he was born, a CD he falls asleep to every night. The first song on it, Iz's "Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World" mix, will be played at her funeral, as she mustered the strength to mouth the words even when she could no longer speak. Of course, we are all in such mourning for our great loss, even as we celebrate her life and rejoice that she is now with her parents and her husband. There is much more I could say, but I really can't cry anymore. My head is killing me and I ought to get to sleep. Quinn and I leave Thursday morning for California. Jalal leaves Friday morning from New York (work training). The viewing is Friday from 5 to 9 p.m., and the funeral is Saturday at noon, both at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills in Los Angeles. The family asks that in lieu of flowers a donation be made to the American Cancer Society. A memorial fund has been set up in the name of Louella Ruth Halaby. For those of you who are interested, I've copied the information below. I'll try to post next week if I'm able. Thank you all for the compassionate outpouring of love and support. We need it and appreciate it. Love, Us.

DONATIONS: American Cancer Society Memorial Program
San Gabriel Valley Unit
50 North Hill Ave. Suite 200
Pasadena, CA 91106
Make Check Payable to American Cancer Society and on the memo line write "In memoriam Louella Ruth Halaby"

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"Not the Mama!"

Remember that sitcom with the dinosaurs, and the baby always yelled "not the mama!" at the father? It's been the opposite at the Halaby house. Quinn looks at me and says, "Not the dada!" Seriously, he's been saying "dada" since before we moved here, and I got my first "mama" tonight at dinner. I was sitting with him as we ate pot roast, and I asked if he could say mama. He said "am-am" a few times (backwards?) before he finally said "Mama." I was so excited! I said "Yay, Quinn" and he started clapping for himself. He ended up saying it about five times. I just discussed this problem I have with my sister the other day. I know I should call Jalal first every time something big happens. But I can't help wanting to call Trish first! So I gave in this time and called Trish. But I only talked to her for a moment before I called Jalal. He was excited about it, too, even though Quinn refused to say "mama" while he was on the phone. I just can't believe he's doing so much all at once.
Quinn is loving this walking thing. He has now taken up to five steps at a time, and it is so funny to watch. He balances with his back against the couch, tummy pooching out, a look of utter concentration on his face. Then he takes two big steps and two or three tiny ones before collapsing. Last night, while Jalal was playing with him on the floor, Quinn tried to turn around while he was standing. He did this funny little pivot thing by moving one foot in three tiny steps to turn himself around. We got such a kick out of it.
So I guess I better get back to work before I call it a night. Hopefully there will be more to report soon. Maybe Quinn will learn his ABCs this week. ; ) Love, Us.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Girl Scout Pledge

So, random post: My sister just called me (we got off the phone about half an hour ago) solely to ask if I remembered the words to the Girl Scout Pledge. She was testing me, which is not all that surprising. She managed to remember them during a discussion with Wade about their experiences as Scouts as kids. So, with only one word of prompting, I did it! After probably a dozen years, I actually remembered all the words. Here they are, for those of you who are curious:
On my honor, I will try to serve God and my country, to help people at all times, and to live by the Girl Scout Law.
(Note that this must be read in a singsong voice, pausing every three words.)
Also, in what shouldn't really be a side note at all, Quinn took his first steps today! Toward the end of Laura's baby shower, I was talking to Laura's mother-in-law and sister-in-law when he turned from me and took one step toward the coffee table before lunging at the table. So of course I freaked out (in a happy way) and we tried to get him to do it again, this time on video. Along with a few minutes of false attempts, we actually got a couple of steps on video. I'm so proud of my little boy!! Love, Us.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


My little monster is unpacking a box of CDs. Isn't that nice? He helps without being asked. Hmmm. So I knew I wouldn't get to finish that post earlier this week. Since I've had a lot of people asking about Jalal's mom, here's the scoop, along with a brief recap of California. Louella was very happy to see us. She spoiled Quinn by feeding him ice cream a few times. I kept my mouth shut, as I should. That's about all she eats now, since all dietary restrictions have been lifted. Good for her. Jehad, Jalal's oldest brother, the one Louella is living with, said she was so looking forward to seeing us that she had lots of energy the week before we came. But she didn't have much left when we got there. We had little bits of time when she was really "there," but not many. We took care of a lot of business, like picking out her cemetery plot and funeral services, going over the financial situation, and sorting through her old house. The three sisters-in-law even went through all her jewelry (so sad). I guess that was necessary, but it was also depressing. Anyway, it was great to see all the kids, even though my 2-year-old nephew, Brendan, says, "I don't have to" to everyone. We did have some fun, like going to Malibu Beach, Chinatown, and Olvera Street (Little Mexico). And we had some major milestones, like Quinn's first tooth (finally!!). He also learned how to wave (so charming!) and started to clap. Louella's caretaker, Gina, fell in love with Quinn and he returned the favor. The second to last night we were there, Jalal made a special dinner for his mom (and everyone else). He plated hers up all fancy and added a handmade tomato rose. It was beautiful. He's such a good son. So then we had to say goodbye. That was tough. We each took turns spending some time with Louella in her room. I think Jalal and I both spent the whole hour it took to get back to the hotel crying.
Jalal heard from his brother a couple of days ago. Jehad says she's not doing very well. They took her off the long-release morphine, which was giving her hallucinations. Now, on quick-release morphine and sedatives, she's pretty out of it most of the time. He said she had been sleeping for the last 24 hours. So, keep her in your prayers.
We're going to a baby shower today for my friend Laura New. I'm so excited to see her. I can't wait till she has the baby.
Yesterday was the day Quinn broke tooth #2! He went down for a late nap after we got home from his eye doctor appointment (all good for now), and about 45 minutes later, he woke up screaming. After he refused to eat more than a couple of miles, I knew there was something wrong. Sure enough, his other bottom tooth was popping through! He's starting to catch up with the teeth. Well, I better get going so I can pack up the car. More later. Love, Us.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Many Apologies

I know it has been a long time since I posted, but I didn't realize just how long. I know you'll all understand, since life has been just about as crazy as it gets lately. It will probably take me a couple of posts to catch up because I don't have enough time to sit down for an hour and write! First of all, happy 4th of July to all. We just got home today from the lake house with Willie and Caroline and Vicky and Barry. It was so much fun. I wish Jalal had been able to stay the whole ime, but he had to work a lot. So he stayed from Thursday night until early afternoon Friday and came back after midnight Saturday until we all left this afternoon. We spent the time swimming in the lake (brisk!), eating barbeque, talking, drinking, and just catching up. On Saturday, the Connellys and Quinn and I went to the Coon Dog Day in Saluda, NC, which was hysterical. It was exactly what you would expect. Quinn had his first taste of funnel cake, God help us. Isabel is so grown up now and talks a blue streak. I think she said more in the first ten minutes than I've heard her say the rest of her life combined. She is so beautiful and sweet. Aundrea and Erika would barely let me hold Quinn, and Vicky wasn't far behind them. It was nice to have some time off from him. He got a little scared by all the firecrackers going off at the lake (some of them sounded like cannons), so we spent that time watching them from inside the house. I gave him some Tylenol that night, too, both because of the noise and because he is teething really bad. That reminds me. Quinn got his first tooth one week ago today, while we were in California. It is still growing out, but he is chewing on everything! I'm convinced he'll have another one popping up this week. So that was a pretty good night's sleep. He also learned how to wave while in California and charmed everyone with that new trick. He really loved waving at Erika and Aundrea until they would wave back. Well, I'm going to go ahead and post this in case I don't get to write more tonight. Love, Us.